Saturday, October 9, 2010

6 Weeks after Planting Raised Garden Bed

Food Drying At Home the Natural Way, Over 300 Recipes, from Meats to Vegies & Fruits & Much Much more!Here I am again folks with some news on my raised garden beds.

I will add a few photos here so that you can see what a difference it makes to use Worm Juice for fertilizer and how quickly the Vegies grow.

Mine are a bit shaded from the afternoon sun at present, but they will soon get full sun.
However, it doesnt seem to make much difference to their growing capability.

Without further ado, here are my latest photos, you will be able to compare the dates by looking at the first pictures I put on regarding having finished the building of the raised garden beds.

Peace Rose. My 1st Bloom this year.
See what Growth comes just by adding some worm Juice.

Showing Lettuces among the potatoes
to keep using space available.

Only 6 weeks of lush growth.

Showing Worm Farm handily placed for
ease and quickness of use.

Marigolds planted among Vegetables.
Neat eh?
Lovely scrunchy leafy veges,
soon to be eaten. Yummy!
Showing Leeks, Lettuces and some Marigolds,
For Companion Planting.
1st Rose to open for me this season,
0n 10th October 2010

Garden is showing heads in the Broccoli now and also small cabbages, plus cauli heads beginning to show. Potatoes are in full flower and looking amazingly healthy.
That worm farm is really doing them great. Have used the juice twice now.

You can almost see them grow overnight when you add some extra wter to them. Its fabulous watching them.

I have another nifty little piece to add here to help you all along:

And a look at my latest blog in Wordpress. Some real goodies there folks.

Video showing how to Make Raised Garden Beds

Putting some videos on these pages to explain some of the making of Raised Garden beds, saves me a bit of time, but also helps make the idea clearer for some that may not have thought about it before.

No matter how small your section may be, you can still have fresh home grown Vegetables!
Plant your potatoes in a rasied block of old tyres, stacked one on top of each other. Work your way around in a circle by putting one thry with a potato, then another tyre with a potato slightly further round than the previous one. Do this until you have about 5 or 6 tyres in place. This will allow you to have those lovely new potatoes for your Dinner without the "lovely new" Cost!!

All your lettuces can be grown in cheap round bowls about 18 to 26 inches across the top. They dont' need to be deep because Lettuce are shallow rooting. Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, bokchoy etc can all be grown similarly. Pots or buckets, many of them second hand from neighbours who no longer have a use for them. all of them make ideal places to grow vegies when you have a small section, or apartment block.

Try it out, you will be surprised, not only by the lovely flavours you have grown yourself, but also the more money you now have in your wallet because you can go to your garden for those very costly vegies and some fruits.

I realize not everyone can grow large fruit trees, but there is the option of Dwarf fruit trees nowadays, and these are wonderful.
My very 1st one was a nectarine and although it looked very small as far as the head of the tree was concerned, there ended up being a total of 17 Nectarines in its very 1st season! So you see, even fruit tres can grow on your patio in a tub. Just keep them watered and fed as you would any other, and you too will have your own fruit.

enjoy it folks. Don't let lack of space stop your enjoyment of fressh fruit and vegetables from your very own garden.

Garden Collars - stackable modular Raised Garden Beds

Garden Collars - stackable modular Raised Garden Beds

Friday, October 8, 2010

Growing and Using Worm Farms for Fantastic Organic Growth!

In a recent post I spoke about how I have a worm farm for my garden. I am so thrilled with mine and the growth it makes in my garden I just have to come and tell you what it does for my garden.

The little Blue and Black box is my current worm farm.
 That small blue and black box holds my very first set of Tiger Worms and they are really getting through my scraps etc.
I will show you a new photo now of these 2 gardens less than 6 weeks after this photo was taken, and only 1 week after the 1st feeding with juice from the worms.
It made a huge difference. I deliberately kept my garden at the front of my home free of worm juice just for this time so everyone could see what a huge diference they make to your gardens.

Those worms are totally amazing!! The amount of kitchen food and cardboard or paper they get through is absolutely fantastic. They are so voracious.
I am truly lost ofr descriptive words. They do such a wonderful job. They turn all my kitchen waste into fantastic soil and mulch for my whole garden.
All they require is that I give them a bit of warmth, some rain at times, not too cold, and heaps of food scraps, and also approximately 1 3rd of their diet needs to be cardboard or paper.

You wouldn't guess it would you? They actually look like ordinary worms but they not at all. These are called Tiger Worms, or Red Wigglers in some parts of the Northern Hemsiphere.

I have succeeded in finding an excellent book regarding the growing and using of Worms for enriching your gardens.

It is called "The Business & Biology Of Raising Earthworms"
This book itemizes the types and their separate needs food wise etc.
It is truly a fascinating book.
Worm castings are what we receive for our gardens as they chomp their way through our left-overs.
You see there is a use for everything if we use it correctly.
Imagine how much less we would need i landfills if folks used even half their home scraps etc and amde good garden compost and mulch from it?

I never had much interest in worm Farming until a couple of years back when I dabbled at it and ahd a little go at it. I wasnt very successful, mainly becuase I was too hasty in my desire to get it going completely, and also didn't ask for advice either.
We really do need to know their requirements to be successful. Like any farming. (smile)